Apply for a Venue operator licence
To run a gaming venue and operate gaming machines in Victoria, companies and clubs must first apply for a Venue Operator's Licence (VOL). A Venue operator's licence lasts for 10 years.
Ensure every question on the application form has been answered.
To apply for a new licence, download the Venue operator's licence: approval of a company or incorporated association form.
View the list of Venue Operators.
Requirements for hotel venue operators
The requirements are different for companies and incorporated associations.
You will need a copy of your company’s:
- Certificate of Registration, and
- Constitution.
Incorporated associations
You will need a copy of your association’s:
- Certificate of Incorporation
- rules, and
- minutes of most recent meeting, confirming committee members.
Requirements for club venue operators
The requirements are different for companies and incorporated associations.
If your club is a company, you will need a copy of the:
- Certificate of Registration, and
- Constitution.
Incorporated associations
You will need a copy of your association’s:
- Certificate of Incorporation, rules and the minutes of the most recent meeting confirming the committee members
- club liquor licence or racing club licence, if one is currently held
- if a club liquor licence or racing club licence is not currently held, the declaration number as a community or charitable organisation.
When applying for a new licence, you will need:
- a copy of the public notice (if it has been published)
- required details regarding the Self-Exclusion Program
- required details regarding the Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct
- a copy of the business plan including financial projections for the first 3 years and governance and compliance framework.
Liquor licence requirements
If you hold a liquor licence or racing club licence, you’ll need to provide a copy. If you don’t hold a liquor licence or racing club licence, you must give your declaration number as a community or charitable organisation.
Financial requirements
You will need to provide copies of the following documents:
- an accountant or auditor's statement, or
- summary of financial information
- a contract of sale (only if purchasing a venue)
- funding details (only if purchasing a venue)
- a list of creditors
- a business credit file.
Mandatory document requirements
You may need to provide copies of the following documents:
- business name registration
- minutes (or resolution) appointing the authorised officer
- confirmation of any court outcomes or settlement agreements
- historical organisational extract
- corporate family tree
- associated individual and/or associated entity forms
- trust deed
- public notice (if applying for new licence and it's been published)
- required details of the Self-Exclusion Program
- required details of the Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct.
You will also need to pay the application fees.
Appoint a Nominee
Venue operators must apply to appoint a nominee for each approved venue. The Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC) needs to approve the application before a nominee is appointed. This comes under the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 (the Act).
Once appointed, the nominee is responsible for the venue on behalf of the venue operator. This ensures that the person is:
- responsible for the management and control of the gaming venue
- liable under the Act as a gaming venue operator.
Nominee application requirements
You will need:
- Passport photo
- National Police Check(opens in a new window) from one of the following:
- Victoria Police
- Australian Federal Police
- other providers accredited by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission.
- Individual Credit Report from either Equifax or illion
- Historical Personal Name Extract from Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
Documents must not be more than 3 months old. Other documentation may be requested in certain circumstances.
You will also need to pay the application fees.
Apply as a Nominee
If you are applying as part of a new Venue operator's licence application:
- download
- complete, and
- return the form.
Online applications are only suitable for a nominee applying against an existing licensee.
To apply, complete the Nominee for a venue operator application.
Venue operator's licence: Associated individual
Under the Act, an associate of a venue operator includes the following:
- a person who holds, or will hold, any financial interest, or
- is, or will be, entitled to exercise power (with, or on behalf of, any other person) in the gambling business
- by way of that power is able, or will be able, to exercise a significant influence over the management of that business
- a person who is or will be an executive officer (with, or on behalf of, any other person) in the gambling business.
If you are a new associate of an existing holder of a Venue operator's licence, please email in a new window) to apply.
Applying as part of another application
If your application is attached to:
- an application for a new venue operator's licence
- an application for renewal of a venue operator's licence, or
- an application to be an associated entity of a venue operator
then use the form below.
Associated individual application requirements
You will need the following:
- National Police Check(opens in a new window) from:
- Victoria Police
- Australian Federal Police
- other providers accredited by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission.
- Individual Credit Report from either Equifax or illion
- Historical Personal Name Extract from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
Documents must not be more than 3 months old. Other documentation may be requested in certain circumstances.
Venue operator's licence: Associated entity
Please email in a new window) to apply if the new associated entity is:
- a trustee of a trust, or
- has other entities (companies) as associates.
Or if your application is attached to one of the following:
- an application for a new Venue operator's licence, or
- an application for renewal of a Venue operator's licence.
*Note: if the application is for a new associated entity of an existing venue operator and has only individuals as associates, please email in a new window) to apply.
Associated entity application requirements
You will need the following:
- Associated Individual and Entity forms, completed by associates identified in Q24, Q25, Q26, Q27(d) and Q28
- historical organisational extract (only applicable if associated entity is a company)
- accountant or auditor’s statement, or summary of financial info
- business credit file
- independent documentation confirming the court outcome or (if settled out of court) a copy of the settlement agreement
- authorisation by an associated entity
- trust deed (only applicable if associated entity is a corporate trustee).
Documents must not be more than 3 months old.
Requirement for notification of changes while your application is in progress
Between lodging your application and a decision being made about it, you must notify the VGCCC in writing immediately of any changes to the information you have provided (including any documents lodged with the application). Breaching this requirement may incur penalties.
False or misleading information
It is an offence under the Act to give information that is false or misleading. If you give false or misleading information, your application may be refused and/or you may be prosecuted and fined up to 60 penalty units (visit Gambling and gambling related offences to confirm the current value of a penalty unit).
Application fees
See application fees.
Renew a Venue operator licence
You need a Venue operator's licence to operate gaming machines in Victoria.
A licence is valid for 10 years from the date of approval.
Where to find your licence expiry date
The licence expiry date is printed on your:
- Notice of Venue operator's licence
- Notice of approved venue.
How to renew your Venue operator licence
You have to apply for renewal no earlier than 3 months before your licence expires.
A renewal kit will be sent to you for completion prior to expiry of your licence.
Once you apply, you can continue to operate gaming until we process the application. This may be after the original licence expiry date. If something changes while we're reviewing your application, let us know as soon as possible.
Your renewal should include:
- completed VOL renewal application form
- associated entity and associated individual application forms
- nominee for Venue operator's licence application form.
Renewal fees
Refer to application fees.
Surrender your Venue operator licence
If you no longer want to hold a Venue operator licence, you must:
- transfer or vary your entitlement conditions
- complete the Intention to surrender Venue operator licence form. For a copy of this form, please email in a new window).
Other amendments
Other amendments you may wish to make to your Venue operator's licence are 'Including or Removing an approved gaming premises'. Refer to gaming premises for further information on these processes. For detail on the regulatory requirements to transfer ownership of a gaming venue, visit: Transferring ownership of a gambling venue.