Community and charitable fundraising

An organisation hosting a raffle, fundraising event or bingo game must be registered as a community or charitable organisation.

To be declared as a community or charitable organisation, the organisation must be conducted in good faith for:

  • a philanthropic or benevolent purpose
  • the purpose of a sporting or recreational club
  • the purpose of a political party.

Commercial raffle organisers and bingo centre operators must be licensed to conduct these activities on behalf of community or charitable organisations.

Register or renew as a community or charitable organisation

To renew an existing, or register as a new community or charitable organisation, email us at to request a copy of the form require. The application must be lodged no less than 28 days before the gaming activity is carried out as stated in the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 (the Act).

As part of your declaration application, you may need to provide details of your list of members for the past two years. If you are required to provide a list of members, you can de-identify this list, including, but not limited to, replacing first and surnames with initials and providing street names rather than full address details. We may ask for more detailed membership information if required. If you have any queries about this, please contact us on 1300 599 759.

The declared community and charitable organisations (database) is an up-to-date list of organisations that we have approved.

You can amend the permit if you need to change conditions such as the prizes, date of ticket sales, location, date or time of the draw. You must obtain approval from the VGCCC by completing the Amendment to a minor gaming permit application form. In relation to a raffle, you cannot start the draw until these amendments have been approved.

Appoint a nominee

The nominee is responsible to ensure that the activity is conducted in compliance with gaming laws, rules of the game and permit conditions.

It is a requirement that community or charitable organisations that hold a minor gaming permit must appoint a nominee. Should the nominee change, the organisation must notify us as soon as the change occurs.

To apply to become a nominee, please download and complete the Amendment to a minor gaming permit - new nominee application form:

Amendment to a minor gaming permit - new nominee application form
PDF 475.76 KB
(opens in a new window)

Interstate authorities

If you wish to conduct community and charitable gaming activities in another state, you will need to contact the appropriate authority about an application. See Standard licence obligations for the list of interstate authorities.

State/TerritoryPhone number
Australian Capital Territory(02) 6207 0361
New South Wales(02) 9995 0666
Northern Territory1800 193 111
Queensland(07) 3872 0999
South Australia(08) 8226 8500
Tasmania(03) 6233 6119
Western Australia(08) 9425 1888
