Bookmaker Registration
A bookmaker is a person who:
- carries on the business
- acts as a bookmaker or turf commission agent
- makes any kind of livelihood by betting or making wagers.
The above applies whether the bookmaker is working for:
- themselves
- as an employee
- as an agent for another person.
A bookmaker may apply to the relevant code of racing for the approval of a key employee to act as a substitute when the bookmaker is absent. Apply for a Bookmaker Key Employee registration.
Bookmaker registration process
To be a bookmaker you must be registered by:
- the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC), and
- have appropriate bond arrangements as required by section 94A of the Racing Act 1958(opens in a new window); and
- hold a club bookmaker's licence from the relevant racing industry body.
To register as a bookmaker, you'll need to complete the correct application form.
- Bookmaker registration - sole trader
- Bookmaker registration - corporation
- Bookmaker registration - partnership.
For a copy of these forms please email
Before applying for a Bookmaking partnership, you must first ensure that all partners are approved sole trader bookmakers.
Application requirements
Before making an application as an individual or nominee, you'll need:
- ASIC Current and Historical personal name extract
- a National Police Certificate
- a credit report
- photographs
- adoption of a Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
A code of conduct implemented by relevant persons must meet the standards and requirements and must include the contents that are set out in the Ministerial Direction – Responsible Gambling Codes of Conduct 17 September 2018.
All Bookmakers must comply with the obligations under their adopted code.
For more information, visit: Responsible Gambling Codes of Conduct and standards.
Requirements for application – Sole Trader
Every question on the application form has been answered.
- Financial Institution letter
- Historical Personal Name Extract from ASIC
- National Police Certificate
- Credit Report
- required details regarding the Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct
- passport size photos
- Tax returns and Notice of Assessment from the Australian Tax Office of the past 3 financial years
- A copy of documentation confirming any court outcomes or settlement agreements
- Evidence of your VBA Bond or other guarantee
- Associated Individual and/or Associated Entity forms including all required attachments
- Nominee application if the nominee is not part of a new/renewal Venue Operator Licence application
- audited and certified financial statements
- required details regarding the Responsible Gambling Codes of Conduct and standards.
- A copy of the business plan including financial projections for the first 3 years and governance and compliance framework.
Requirements for submission – Corporation
- copy of the Certificate of Registration and constitution (if a company) or/
- copy of the Certificate of Incorporation, constitution/rules and the minutes of the most recent meeting confirming the committee members (if an incorporated association)
- copy of the Record of Registration for Business Name, unless submitted previously in connection with an earlier application
- copy of the minute or resolution appointing the officer authorised to apply for a licence on behalf of the applicant
- copy of independent documentation confirming the court outcome or, if settled out of court, a copy of the settlement agreement
- historical organisational extract (only applicable if the applicant is incorporated under Australian Corporations Law)
- Accountant or Auditor’s statement, and summary of financial information
- Evidence of your VBA Bond or other guarantee
- a financial institution letter
- a listing of the applicant’s creditors
- credit report
- a copy of the Trust Deed if applicable
- required details regarding the Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct
- A corporate family tree detailing the relationship of the company to any subsidiary, parent and related entities must be provided, if such a structure exists
- A copy of the business plan including financial projections for the first 3 years and governance and compliance framework.
Requirements for submission – Partnership
- copy(ies) of the Record of Registration for Business Name
- copy of a current signed and executed deed of partnership
- A copy of the business plan including financial projections for the first 3 years and governance and compliance framework.
Requirement for notification of changes while your application is in progress
Between lodging your application and a decision being made about it, you must notify the VGCCC in writing immediately of any changes to the information you have provided (including any documents lodged with the application). Breaching this requirement may incur penalties.
False or Misleading Information
It is an offence under the Act to give information that is false or misleading. If you give false or misleading information, your application may be refused and/or you may be prosecuted and fined up to 60 penalty units (visit Gambling and gambling related offences to confirm the current value of a penalty unit).
Appointing a nominee
If a corporation is approved as a registered bookmaker, they must appoint a nominee. This person is held accountable under Gambling Regulation Act 2003(opens in a new window) (the Act).
To apply, or for more details, view the registered bookmaker approval as a nominee form. For a copy of this form please email
If the nominee discontinues, you must notify us within 14 days via email at:
Bookmaker associates
If you're applying as:
- an associated organisation of a corporate bookmaker
If the applicant organisation:
- is a trustee
- has other entities as associates
- is part of another application to register as a bookmaker,
complete the Associated Entity - New form. (Use this form if the organisation has individuals only as associates). For a copy of this form please email
If you're applying as:
- an associated individual of an approved bookmaker
- part of another application for a bookmaker's registration
- part of an associated entity application
complete the Associated Individual - New form. For a copy of this form please email
Submitting your application
If you're using PDF forms, email your application to us at:
Approval by racing industry body
Once you receive your registration you must then obtain a club bookmaker's licence.
This must come from the right racing industry controlling body:
- Racing Victoria
- Harness Racing Victoria
- Greyhound Racing Victoria.
A club bookmaker's licence will allow you to operate at race meetings of each racing code and, in some cases, conduct 24-hour trading at racecourses including on:
- Victorian racecourses
- parts of racecourses
- approved off-course premises
- sports grounds.
For more information, contact the controlling bodies directly:
Racing Victoria
03 9258 4258
Harness Racing Victoria
03 8378 0200
Greyhound Racing Victoria
03 8329 1100.
Duration of bookmaker registration
The duration of a bookmaker licence is 10 years. This is as per the licence conditions, and continues unless:
- cancelled
- surrendered
- suspended.
On granting an application for registration as a bookmaker or bookmaker's key employee, the Commission must issue a certificate of registration and an identity card to the registration holder.
At all times while working as a registered bookmaker or bookmaker's key employee on a licensed racecourse - the registration holder; or - if the registration holder is a registered bookmaker that is a corporation, the nominee of the registered bookmaker must wear his or her identity card in such a manner as to be visible to other people
If you wish to surrender your bookmaker registration, please contact us at:
List of approved bookmakers
For a list of current bookmakers, visit approved bookmakers(opens in a new window).
Renewal of registration application
A reminder will be sent 3 months before you need to renew your registration. If you don't get the notification, please email
- Bookmaker renewal - sole trader form
- Bookmaker renewal - corporation form
- Bookmaker registration - partnership form.
These forms include information about the:
- application process
- documentation you must provide.
For a copy of these forms please email
All bookmakers must lodge their registration renewal before the expiry date. Failure to do so can result in:
- a cancelled registration
- suspension of your ability to operate.
Submitting your application
You can submit your application via: