Self-exclusion program

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The Gambling Regulation Act 2003 (the Act) makes it compulsory for gaming venue operators to have a self-exclusion program (SEP) in place.

Your Self-Exclusion Program must include:

  • reasonable steps taken by staff to ensure a self-excluded person does not enter the gaming machine area (GMA)
  • the procedure to detect an excluded person and mitigate them entering your GMA
  • the procedure about what you will do when a self-excluded person is detected in the GMA including any interventions.

For more information, view the current Ministerial Direction(opens in a new window), in line with section 10.6.1 of the Act.

Requirement to have a Self-Exclusion Program

Section 3.4.12A of the Act makes it compulsory for Venue Operator Licence holders to have a SEP in place that complies with:

a) regulations made for or with respect to Part 4B in Schedule 1 of the Act; and

b) the direction under section 10.6.1(1) of the Act.

Note that the Australian Hotels Association (AHA) and Clubs Victoria (CV) currently conduct SEPs on behalf of all venue operators. To view a copy of these SEPs and a list of those venues that have adopted each of these SEPs, visit: List of venues that have adopted SEP 1 and SEP.

Administration of a Self-Exclusion Program

A SEP must:

  1. meet the requirements of the Act; and
  2. comply with this and any other relevant Ministerial direction.

A venue operator must:

  • provide the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC) with a copy of the SEP that will be conducted by the venue operator; or
  • where the venue operator provides a SEP that is conducted on its behalf by another person, notify the VGCCC of the name of the person conducting the SEP program on the venue operator’s behalf.

Where a person conducts a SEP on behalf of a venue operator, that person is required to provide a copy of the SEP to the VGCCC.

A SEP may be amended by a venue operator, or by a person conducting a SEP on behalf of a venue operator.

Where a SEP is amended, the venue operator or the person conducting a SEP on behalf of a venue operator must provide a copy of the amended SEP to the VGCCC.

Process for Self-Excluding

A SEP must establish a process for self-exclusion and must specify the steps a person:

a) needs to take to voluntarily self-exclude;

b) must take to revoke a decision to self-exclude; and

c) must take to vary the terms of a self-exclusion.

A SEP must be designed so that:

a) a person considering self-exclusion is not deterred by unnecessary administrative requirements and complexities; and

b) there is capacity to assist a person who chooses to self-exclude to also self-exclude from gaming venues that have a different SEP.

Self-Exclusion Program providers

You may conduct your own Self-Exclusion Program or ask someone else to conduct it for you.

Current Self-Exclusion Program providers include:

  • Australian Hotels Association (AHA)
  • Clubs Victoria (CV).

If you use a program provider, you must complete the statement of adoption of a generic Self-Exclusion Program.

Statement of Adoption - Self-exclusion program
PDF 254.71 KB
(opens in a new window)

Your own Self-Exclusion Program

If you choose to conduct your own program, you must submit a copy to the VGCCC via email at:

A current copy must be available at all times.
