
Venue operators must follow rules on:

  • the conduct, and
  • the welfare of patrons that play their poker machines (also known as gaming machines).

Access to gaming areas

Venue operators must allow individuals unrestricted entry to gaming areas, so long as:

  • it is during approved gambling hours
  • the individual is aged 18 years or over.

Unrestricted entry is subject to complying with:

The above applies alongside any non-gaming regulations or laws, including obligations for:

  • a State of Emergency, or
  • State of Disaster.

The venue operator can, however, do the following:

  • implement and enforce a reasonable dress code
  • exclude a person from the venue for bad behaviour
  • exclude someone that's voluntarily in a self-exclusion scheme
  • exclude a person engaged in syndicate play (a group of people working together to improve chances of winning).

Loyalty schemes

The current laws relating to loyalty schemes are set out in:

We monitor loyalty schemes to make sure the laws are followed.

Patron disputes

If there's a disagreement about:

  • not receiving a prize, or
  • a dispute about the rules,

the venue operator must settle it by following our dispute resolution procedures:

Dispute Resolution Procedures
PDF 110.22 KB
(opens in a new window)

To help resolve a patron dispute, venue operators can design their own templates, or use the ones below:

Patron Dispute Form
PDF 61.58 KB
(opens in a new window)
Game Play Recall Information Form
PDF 91.93 KB
(opens in a new window)

Suspected malfunction of a gaming machine form
PDF 101.71 KB
(opens in a new window)

To learn more, view sections 3.5.20(3) and 3.5.23(1)(f) of the Act.

Requesting transaction receipts

Patrons can request transaction receipts, in line with section 100 of the Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer Law) Act (No 2). It's the venue operator's duty to monitor any changes to these laws.

Intoxicated persons while gaming

A venue operator must not knowingly allow an intoxicated person to use a poker machine, under section 3.5.33A of the Act.

Pre-commitment scheme

Legal requirements for the pre-commitment scheme are set out in:

The Victorian player account equipment technical requirements outlines the details and installation of pre-commitment equipment.

Victorian Player Account Equipment technical requirements
PDF 3.21 MB
(opens in a new window)

We monitor how the pre-commitment scheme is carried out, to make sure venue operators follow the rules.

Removal of patrons from the venue

A venue operator can remove, or refuse entry to, a person who:

  • breaches our rules
  • damages or physically abuses a poker machine
  • behaves in a manner likely to cause offence to others
  • is reasonably suspected of being in the venue to commit an offence or help someone commit an offence.

This comes under section 3.5.43 of the Act.

*Note: The venue operator must not remove someone by using more force than is reasonably necessary.
