Lucky envelopes

Lucky envelopes are a form of pre-determined lottery.

They're also known as:

  • bingo tickets (due to the word ‘bingo’ spelt along the front of the ticket)
  • pull-tabs
  • break opens.

Lucky envelopes permit requirements

To sell lucky envelopes, organisations must be:

  • approved by the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC) as a community or charitable organisation, and
  • have a current lucky envelope permit.

To renew or become declared as a community or charitable organisation, complete or renew your declaration as a community or charitable organisation please visit the Application for a Declared Community or Charitable Organisation page.

To apply for a permit, complete the Minor Gaming Permit application form.

Notice period for permit

To apply for a lucky envelope permit, you must lodge your application at least three weeks (21 days) before you want to start selling the lucky envelopes.

Duration of a lucky envelope permit

A lucky envelope permit is issued for a maximum period of 2 years unless stated otherwise by the VGCCC.

A lucky envelope permit is only valid while your organisation's status as a declared community or charitable organisation is current.

You must make sure you have renewed the declaration status of your organisation, before the declaration expiry date.

Amendment to your lucky envelope permit

If required, you have the ability to amend your lucky envelope permit.

You must obtain approval from the VGCCC by completing the Amendment to a minor gaming permit application form. For a copy of this form please email in a new window). You will need to include the details of the change(s) required and reasons, as well as the applicable fee(opens in a new window).

Nominee changes

If the nominee of the lucky envelope permit stops being the nominee, you must tell the VGCCC and nominate a replacement within 7 days.

To advise of a new nominee, please complete the amendment to a minor gaming permit: new nominee form.

Missing media item.

Selling lucky envelopes

Lucky envelopes cannot be sold online. They can be sold:

  • by hand
  • at a bar, or
  • using a lucky envelope vending machine.

Lucky envelopes offering non-cash prizes can be sold at any venue with the permission of the owner or manager.

Lucky envelopes offering cash prizes can only be sold at:

  • the permit holder's own venue
  • licensed hotels
  • licensed bingo centres
  • fetes
  • fairs, or
  • carnivals.

Lucky envelope machines can only be installed at:

  • the permit holder's own venue
  • licensed hotels, or
  • licensed bingo centres.

Lucky envelopes permit conditions

People under 18 years of age can not:

  • sell
  • assist with selling, or
  • buy lucky envelopes.

The name of the lucky envelope permit holder, and the permit number must be clearly visible to patrons at the sale point.

The notional value of a series of lucky envelopes must not exceed $5,000, and the value of prizes must not be:

  • less than 50%, or
  • more than 75%

of the notional value of the series.

To ensure compliance with lucky envelope permit conditions please review the applicable Gambling Regulations(opens in a new window).

If you want to lodge an amendment to your conditions, view the Amendment to a minor gaming permit application form. For a copy of this form please email in a new window).

Record keeping

Records relating to the sale of lucky envelopes must be kept for 3 years.

The permit holder must keep the following information for each series of lucky envelopes sold:

  • the premises on which they were sold
  • the name of each person who sold them, except if they were sold in either:
    • premises licensed under section 8 of the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998
    • premises occupied by the executive or governing body of the permit holder
    • a bingo centre operated under a bingo centre operator's licence
  • the notional value, gross receipts and value of prizes paid
  • the amount and nature of expenses incurred
  • the people to whom those expenses were paid
  • the number of lucky envelopes not sold.

Publican fees

Publicans can request a site or handling fee. This fee covers work for:

  • selling tickets
  • restocking the machine, and
  • paying out prizes.

It can also cover electricity costs if an electronic lucky envelope machine is installed.

If a fee is charged, there's no minimum or maximum amount required. Your organisation should have a written agreement with the publican stating the amount to be paid.

Renewal of the permit

A renewal letter will be sent to the organisation before the lucky envelope permit expires. If you have not received a renewal letter 4 weeks before the expiry, please contact the VGCCC.

To continue to sell lucky envelopes, your organisation must ensure that both the lucky envelope permit and declared community or charitable organisation status are current.

If you have leftover stock with the old permit number on it, make sure to mention this in your renewal application. A condition will be placed on the new permit to authorise the sale of lucky envelopes with the old permit number.

Surrender your lucky envelope permit

If you no longer want to sell lucky envelopes, please contact us and let us know if you want to give up your permit.
