Ministerial directions for bookmakers

Registered bookmaker obligations

A registered bookmaker has certain obligations, including:

A relevant offence is:

  • an offence against a gaming act, regulations, or Racing Act 1958
  • a fraud offence
  • dishonesty punishable by imprisonment for three months or more
  • a criminal offence (or an offence that would be criminal if committed in Victoria).

Registered bookmakers must also follow directions approved by the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (the VGCCC) under section 10.4A.4 of the Act:

Directions under Section 10.4A.4 to Gambling Industry Participants
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The directions specify changes in the situation of a gambling industry participant that require written notice be given to the Commission within 14 days after the change takes place.

Code of Conduct

A code of conduct must:

For more information, visit Code of conduct and standards.

If you wish to adopt a model Code of Conduct, view the Statement of adoption form.

If you do not wish to adopt a model Code of Conduct, you must:

  • provide the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC) with a copy of your own Code of Conduct.

This can be emailed to the VGCCC at

*Note: If you amend your Code of Conduct, a copy must be provided to the VGCCC.
