Licensee obligations

Licensee obligations

Licensees must let us know if there are changes in their situation.

Requesting changes

If you wish to notify the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission when specific changes occur, please send an email to:

If you need to make changes to your licence, follow the steps outlined in section 3.4.18 of the Gambling Regulation Act 2003(opens in a new window) (the Act).

What you need to report

If you make or plan to make changes to your corporate structure, you must let us know in writing.

For example, let us know if:

  • an incorporated association decides to amalgamate with another incorporated association
  • an incorporated association converts itself into a company
  • an un-incorporated body decides to become incorporated.

You may also need to:

  • include an approved gaming premises on your licence
  • remove an approved gaming premises from your licence.

For more information and how to apply to include or remove an approved gaming premises from your licence, visit our gaming premises(opens in a new window) page.

Other changes you need to tell us about are listed under section 10.4A.4 of the Act and in the Directions under Section 10.4A.4 to Gambling Industry Participants:

Directions under Section 10.4A.4 to Gambling Industry Participants
PDF 100.05 KB
(opens in a new window)

and Nominees and Associates:

Directions under Section 10.4A.4 to Nominees And Associates Of Gambling Industry Participants
PDF 91.85 KB
(opens in a new window)

Amend venue operator licence

Some changes to your licence can be made through the online portal.

Other changes require completion and lodgement of an application form, as follows:

Update of associated individuals following an annual general meeting

If you hold a club venue operator's licence, you must let us know of any changes to your associated individuals following an annual general meeting.

To let us know, complete the form: Update of associated individuals following an annual general meeting. For a copy of this form, please email
