Bingo Centre Operators

Becoming a bingo centre operator

If you intend to conduct bingo:

  • in whole or in part
  • on behalf of a declared community or charitable organisation, or
  • on a commercial basis

you need to hold a bingo centre operator's licence. You must choose between applying as:

  • company or incorporated association, or
  • sole trader/partnership.

All bingo centre applications MUST submit a Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct that is compliant with the Ministerial Direction.

A licensed bingo centre operator can run bingo sessions on behalf of a declared community or charitable organisation. They may charge a fee to run bingo and recover their expenses up to a set limit.

Rules include:

  • 2% of total ticket sales as a fee to run bingo; and
  • recovery of expenses up to a set limit
  • 60% max of total proceeds, or
  • 60% of remaining total proceeds after deducting the jackpot pool amount.

You cannot operate a bingo centre unless you hold a bingo centre operator’s licence, as per the Gambling Regulation Act 2003(opens in a new window) (the Act).

Bingo centre operator's licence

A bingo centre operator's licence is required if the person:

  • is not an employee of a declared community or charitable organisation
  • conducts bingo on behalf of a community or charitable organisation, or
  • receives payment for their services.

A person cannot apply for, or be granted, a bingo centre operator's licence if the person is:

  • a venue operator licensee
  • an associate of a venue operator, or
  • a casino operator.

Requirements for submission – company or incorporated association

  • a copy of the Certificate of Registration and constitution
  • a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation, constitution/rules and Statement of Purpose, and the minutes of the most recent meeting confirming the committee members (if an incorporated association)
  • a copy of the Record of Registration for Business Name
  • a copy of the minutes or resolution appointing the officer authorised to apply for a bingo centre operator’s licence on behalf of the applicant
  • a copy of independent documentation confirming the court outcome or, if settled out of court, a copy of the settlement agreement
  • historical organisational extract (only applicable if the applicant is incorporated under Australian Corporations Law)
  • Accountant or Auditor’s statement, and summary of financial information
  • a financial institution letter
  • a listing of the applicant’s creditors
  • credit report
  • a copy of the Trust Deed if applicable
  • evidence of planning authority notification (unless applying for renewal of a licence)
  • a copy of the planning permit issued by the local planning authority (unless applying for renewal of a licence)
  • if it has been published, a copy of the public notice (unless applying for renewal of a licence)
  • a copy of the contract of sale, details of the source of funding and documentary evidence in support of the funding arrangements (only applicable if you have purchased or are proposing to purchase, a business and/or freehold property in relation to this licence application)
  • a copy of proof of tenure of the proposed bingo centre premises
  • a copy of floor plans (unless applying for renewal of a licence)
  • required details regarding the Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct
  • a corporate structure detailing the relationship of the company to any subsidiary, parent and related entities must be provided, if such a structure exists (if a company)
  • a copy of the business plan including financial projections for the first 3 years and governance and compliance framework.

Requirements for submission – Sole Trader/Partnership

  • Financial Institution letter
  • Historical Personal Name Extract from ASIC
  • National Police Certificate
  • Credit Report
  • required details regarding the Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct
  • passport size photos
  • if it has been published, a copy of the public notice (unless applying for renewal of a licence)
  • If the applicant is a Partnership -
    • a copy of the Partnership Deed
    • a copy of the Record of Registration for Business Name (if applicable)
    • a copy of the minutes or resolution appointing the person authorised to act on behalf of the partnership
  • a copy of independent documentation confirming the court outcome or, if settled out of court, a copy of the settlement agreement
  • a copy of the contract of sale, details of the source of funding and documentary evidence in support of the funding arrangements (only applicable if you have purchased or are proposing to purchase, a business and/or freehold property in relation to this licence application)
  • a copy of the planning permit issued by the local planning authority (unless applying for renewal of a licence)
  • if it has been published, a copy of the public notice (unless applying for renewal of a licence)
  • a copy of proof of tenure of the proposed bingo centre premises
  • a copy of floor plans (unless applying for renewal of a licence)
  • A copy of the business plan including financial projections for the first 3 years and governance and compliance framework.

To apply for a bingo centre operator's licence, download and complete the relevant application form from the list below.

Bingo Centre Operator's licence - Company or Incorporated Association form
PDF 565.87 KB
(opens in a new window)
Bingo Centre Operator's licence - Sole Trader or Partnership form
PDF 975.42 KB
(opens in a new window)

For a copy of the below forms, please email

  • Bingo Centre Operator - Associated Individual

  • If applying as part of another application for a:
    • new/renewal of a bingo centre operator's licence, or
    • as part of an associated entity application, please request the Bingo centre operator’s licence – request for approval as an associated individual form.
  • Bingo centre operator: associated entity. Use this form if the applying company has only individuals as associates. If the applicant is a:
    • trustee of a trust, or
    • has other companies as associates (as well as individuals), please request the Bingo centre operator’s licence – request for approval as an associated entity form.
  • Nominee for a bingo centre operator. If applying as part of another application for a new/renewal of a bingo centre operator's licence, please request Bingo centre operator – approval as a nominee form.
  • Agreement for the conduct of bingo form (permit holder on behalf of a bingo centre operator).

Once the application is completed with the accompanying documentation, submit it to:

Appointing a nominee

Corporate holders of a bingo centre operator licence must appoint a nominee. If this nominee stops its duties, it's the licensee's obligation to inform the Commission within 14 days.

The nominee is responsible for ensuring the activity is conducted in compliance with:

  • gambling laws
  • rules of the game, and
  • permit conditions.

Once a new nominee has been appointed, a nominee for a bingo centre operator form must be completed.

Application for approval of premises for gaming form
PDF 576.73 KB
(opens in a new window)

Requirements for a licensed gaming industry employee

An individual who works as a sole employee for a bingo centre operator must hold a Gaming Industry Employee (GIE) licence. This allows the following duties to be performed:

  1. sell bingo tickets
  2. write up running sheets
  3. check back numbers on bingo tickets
  4. pay prizes.

If more than one employee is working for a bingo centre operator, a licence is not required to perform any of the duties referred to in paragraphs (a) to (d).

In this instance, you must hold a GIE licence to supervise* persons performing any of the duties referred to in paragraphs (a) to (d).

*Supervise means to direct or oversee the performance or operation of a gaming industry employee.

At a bingo centre, a volunteer that works:

  • in good faith for only one community or charitable organisation
  • within any period of 7 days,

is not required to hold a licence, even if they're performing the duties shown above.

Surrendering your bingo centre operator's licence

If you no longer want to be a bingo centre operator, you must fill in the appropriate form. Please complete the Surrender of a Bingo Centre Operator's Licence form. For a copy of these forms please email

If you surrender your licence during a year you have active bingo sessions, returns must be submitted before your surrender can be processed.

You must also confirm:

  • whether you're currently conducting bingo sessions on behalf of declared community and charitable organisations, and
  • a list of bingo sessions where a return had not been submitted (if applicable).

Bingo centre returns

All bingo centre operators are required to submit a return each financial year. This covers all bingo sessions played at the bingo centre, in line with the Gambling Regulation Act 2003.

Returns must be lodged with the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC) each year, by 30 September.

For more information see our Bingo Centre Operator - Annual Returns form.

Bingo Centre Operator - Annual Returns form
PDF 258.75 KB
(opens in a new window)

Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct

Commercial Bingo Centre operators must complete a statement of adoption of a Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct must comply with the Ministerial Direction. The Code of Conduct outlines the obligation of the bingo centre operator and its staff.

For further information please see Bingo forms and rules page.

See our Bingo page(opens in a new window) for more information.

Requirement for notification of changes while your application is in progress

Between lodging your application and a decision being made about it, you must notify the VGCCC in writing immediately of any changes to the information you have provided (including any documents lodged with the application). Breaching this requirement may result in enforcement action.

False or Misleading Information

It is an offence under the Act to give information that is false or misleading. If you give false or misleading information, your application may be refused and enforcement action taken. A breach of this requirement may attract a prosecution and fine of up to 60 penalty units.
