We manage our operations in a transparent, accountable and responsible way through effective corporate governance.
The documents below provide information about our governance and the roles and responsibilities of our staff.
Code of conduct
Our staff must follow the Code of conduct for Victorian public sector employees(opens in a new window).
It's a set of rules that prescribe how our staff should behave to adhere to the values in the Public Administration Act 2004.
Conflict of interest guidelines and disclosures
Our Conflict of interest guidelines explain how we deal with situations where there may be a real, potential or perceived conflict of interest. It lays out the steps for declaring and managing these situations.
Gifts, benefits and hospitality policy
The VGCCC has a Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy. The policy sets out the approach on providing, accepting, approving, declaring and recording any offers of gifts, benefits and hospitality connected to VGCCC duties.
The Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Registers below contain details about gifts, benefits and hospitality offers and whether they were accepted or refused.
Reporting corruption
If you want to report that our staff, including contractors, have been involved in corrupt conduct, please do so directly to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission.