Modifications to poker machine areas

Modification of gaming machine area

A venue operator must not modify a gaming machine area (GMA) in an approved venue without our approval. The only exception is if it will result in changes we determine to be 'low risk'.

This might include:

  • internal movement of Electronic Gaming Machines (EGM),
  • building of cabinetry NOT on the perimeter of the green line area
  • adding a privacy screen NOT on the perimeter of the green line area

If you're unsure if your modification is low risk, contact the Victoria Gambling and Casino Control Commission(opens in a new window) (VGCCC).

The following are NOT considered low risk modifications and require prior approval:

  • any increase of installed EGMs
  • any decrease of installed EGMs
Application to increase gaming machines form
PDF 595.97 KB
(opens in a new window)
Application to decrease gaming machines form
PDF 91.44 KB
(opens in a new window)
  • any change to size or location of the GMA
  • any change to the GMA perimeter such as:
    • installing or removing doors on the perimeter of the green line area
    • removing windows or making changes to natural light
    • changing entry points to the GMA
  • any changes that require EGMs to be placed in temporary storage
  • changing location of EFTPOS facilities and making changes to other facilities (i.e. toilets and bistro areas)

For more information, view section 3.3.16 of the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 (the Act).

In the gambling industry, the approved GMA is often referred to as 'the green line area'. To modify the GMA, you must:

When deciding whether to approve applications to modify a GMA, we will consider the:

  • size
  • layout, and
  • facilities

of the approved venue, and any other matter we consider relevant. We may approve or refuse your application, and an approval may come with or without conditions.

We will also consider certain matters, as directed by the responsible Minister. This includes premises containing:

For more information, view the application for approval in the Online Gambling Services Portal.

*Note: we will only accept applications to modify a GMA via the Online Gambling Services Portal.

Changes that don't need approval

Layout of gaming machines

You can change the gaming machine layout as long as you:

  • don't alter the currently approved 'green line area' or make changes to venue facilities adjacent to the 'green line area'
  • don't increase or decrease the number of machines, and
  • the gaming machines remain in sequential numbered order.

Terminal installations

You can install facilities such as a Keno or wagering terminal. Where a Keno or wagering terminal is provided inside a GMA, there must be an operator terminal for sales and redemption outside the GMA.

This is to ensure that Keno and wagering patrons are not forced to enter the GMA in order to:

  • make a bet
  • check the results of a bet, or
  • redeem a winning ticket.

GMA refurbishments

You can make decorative changes that don't affect the size or facilities of the GMA. During any works, and when refurbishments are complete, you must make sure the GMA remains compliant with all regulations.

*Note: gaming machines must only be located within the approved GMA at your venue. Should refurbishments require them to be:

  • removed for storage offsite, or
  • moved to be stored onsite within your approved premise,

a modification application will need to be submitted. This is so we can approve the way the gaming machines will be stored.


You can install or remove:

  • jackpot signage
  • coin denomination signage
  • poster boxes, and
  • end of bank signage.

Relevant regulations

GMA layouts and facilities are subject to regulation. This applies even if you don't need prior approval.

For more information, view:
