Listing on the roll of manufacturers, suppliers and testers

The Roll of manufacturers, suppliers and testers

The Roll of manufacturers, suppliers and testers(opens in a new window) (the Roll) lists entities approved to:

  • manufacture
  • supply
  • provide testing services of gambling equipment and systems in Victoria.

To perform these services, you'll need to apply for our approval to be listed on the Roll:

Application for listing on the roll of manufacturers, suppliers and testers
PDF 1.41 MB
(opens in a new window)


We do not stop financiers from providing money for running a gaming venue, including for buying poker machines (also known as gaming machines) and poker machine entitlements. They don’t need our approval to do this.

If a venue operator defaults on a loan secured solely against poker machines, a financier can possess and sell those machines for use in Victoria without:

  • being listed on the Roll, or
  • holding a venue operator's licence.

For more information, refer to Financing gaming machine purchases.

Associated individual or entity of the Roll listee

The Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC) also approves associated individuals or associated entities of companies listed or applying to be listed on the Roll.

In order to be added, they need to apply for our approval.

Associated individuals

If you're a new associated individual of an existing Roll Listee, apply via the associated individual online form. For a copy of this form please email in a new window).

If you're applying as part of a new Roll Listee or New Associated Entity application, apply via the Key gaming operatives - associated individual form. For a copy of this form please email in a new window)

Associated entities

If the applying entity has only individuals as associates and is applying for approval against a company already listed on the Roll, apply via the Key gaming operative - associated entity online form. For a copy of this form please email in a new window)

If the applying entity is a trustee of a trust or has other entities (companies) as associates in addition to individuals, apply via the downloadable Key gaming operative - associated entity form. For a copy of this form please email in a new window)


Notify us in writing if you wish to be removed from the Roll.

Application Fees

See Application fees(opens in a new window).
