Permitted signs
Gambling laws allow two types of signs to be displayed at (approved) gaming venues.
The first type of signs are:
- external signs located on the outside of the gaming venue
- allowed at a maximum of 2 signs.
The second type of signs are:
- external and internal signs with directions to the gaming machine area (GMA).
Both types of signs must meet certain standards. You must check your signs to make sure you follow the criteria.
View the Gambling regulations 2015 for more information.
Common issues with signs
Signage issues our inspectors often find include:
- too many signs displayed
- too much light on the signs
- signs that are bigger than 2 square metres.
Signs outside the gaming venue
A sign outside the building is considered legal if it:
- is located out front of an approved gaming venue
- says 'Pokies' (once) in white text on a single-colour background
- says 'Pokies' in fonts such as Helvetica, Arial or similar
- is not over 2 square metres in size
- doesn't have decorative ridges, lights, or standout features
- doesn't have words, numbers, symbols or pictures that show poker machines are available.
*Note: Only one sign is allowed per street front. If the venue has more than one street side, there can be a maximum of 2 signs.
Signs for the gaming area
For directional signs (inside or outside), it is considered legal if:
- it has text about the poker machine limited to:
- words
- numbers
- arrow symbols, or
- a combination of these.
- it indicates where the poker machine area is
- it has words no larger than 0.3 square metres
- it has only necessary information
- it is:
- inside the gaming venue
- at the entrance to the gaming venue, or
- at any entrance to a car park used by patrons of the venue.
*Note: To put up new signs, you might need approval from your local council.
We monitor displayed signs to ensure they're legal. We may take legal action if a sign is considered to be outside these rules.
If necessary, make a complaint about a gaming venue’s signs on our Make a complaint page.
Required notices to be displayed
By law, several notices must be displayed within (or at the entrance of) a GMA. They include:
Venue operator's licence
A copy of the venue operator’s licence (or notice of approved venue) must be publicly displayed:
- at the entrance to (or the boundary) of the GMA, or
- opposite the cashier’s station.
For more information, refer to the Gambling Regulation Act 2003(opens in a new window) (the Act).
Notice prohibiting persons under 18 years
A notice prohibiting persons under 18 years from entering the GMA must be displayed at each entrance.
The notice must comply with our Direction under section 10.7.9 of the Act:
Venue operators can use our sample notice if needed:
For more information, refer to section 10.7.9 of the Act(opens in a new window).
Responsible gambling sign
Venue operators must display a responsible gambling sign outside every entrance to a GMA, so every patron can see it when entering.
The VGCCC must supply each venue operator with the applicable responsible gambling signs to comply with this requirement. These signs include the Player Information Standards.
For more information, see:
- section 35 of the Gambling Regulations 2015(opens in a new window)
- section 3.5.35A of the Act(opens in a new window).
Availability of our rules
Venue operators must display a notice where patrons can find a copy of our rules. These apply to the operator and can result in the operator being inspected (under section 3.5.23 of the Act(opens in a new window)).
The notice must be:
- in the format approved by the VGCCC
- displayed in the manner or location decided by the VGCCC.
The venue operator must allow a patron to inspect a copy of the rules if they request it.
The notice must comply with these guidelines:
Venue operators can use our sample notice:
For more information, refer to sections 3.5.23 and 3.5.25 of the Act(opens in a new window).
Player information posters
Anytime poker machines are available, the venue operator must ensure that player information posters are displayed in the GMA.
These posters must be displayed so the information is visible to a patron sitting or standing in front of a poker machine.
*Note: Nothing prevents the display of posters in languages other than English.
For more information, refer to regulation 12 of the Gambling Regulations 2015.
To order copies of posters, contact us(opens in a new window).
Player information talkers
These only apply if required under the Revised Player Information Standards 2024 made by the Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation:
In line with these, there is not currently a requirement to display A5 talkers in gaming venues.
The following applies if the Minister decides player information talkers should be displayed again:
Anytime poker machines are available, the venue operator must ensure that player information talkers are displayed in the GMA.
These talkers must be displayed so the information is visible from the front of the poker machine.
The talker must be placed so that it doesn't block access to:
- the label displaying our ID number
- any operational functions.
If the Standards set out 2 or more talkers that differ in form, information, or both, then the talkers must be distributed evenly within the venue.
*Note: Nothing prevents the display of talkers in languages other than English.
For more information, refer to regulation 13 of the Gambling Regulations 2015.
To order copies of talkers, contact us(opens in a new window).
Player information brochures
Anytime poker machines are available, the venue operator must ensure that player information brochures are at each cashier area.
The venue operator must also provide pre-commitment information brochures at:
- each cashier area
- each player service point
- any place where casual player cards exist for patrons to collect.
For more information, and details on number brochures and casual player cards, see:
- regulations 14 to 16 of the Gambling Regulation 2014
- regulation 14 of the Gambling Regulations 2015.
To order copies of brochures, contact us(opens in a new window).
Player Information Standards
Player Information Standards are set by the Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation. They offer harm-minimising materials that must be shown in all gaming venues, including the Casino.
These materials are in line with the:
- Gambling Regulations 2015,(opens in a new window) and the
- Gambling Regulations (Pre-Commitment) Regulations 2014(opens in a new window)
Updated Player Information Standards
The Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation issued revised standards from 9 February 2024. Under the new Standards, the materials that must be displayed are:
- player information posters
- responsible gambling signs
- player information brochures, and
- pre-commitment information brochures.
Details on the harm-minimisation materials are below.
What's changed with Standards
Under the updated Standards:
- there is no longer a requirement to display A5 talkers
- there are new design rules for posters, brochures and signs
- operators can now display A2 posters and signs electronically.
Need copies of the printed material?
Gaming venues can contact us if seeking additional stock of the updated Standards. We'll post them to you within 14 days.
Player information posters (printed or electronically displayed)
New versions must be displayed from 11 June 2024

Download digital copies of the new posters below to display electronically:
Location and quantity
Player information posters must be displayed in the GMA They must be clearly visible to someone sitting or standing in front of a poker machine. If you have:
- 15 poker machines or less in your venue, you must display one poster
- more than 15 poker machines in your venue, you must display at least one poster for every 15 poker machines
You need an additional poster for any extra poker machines less than 15 in number.
Display both the purple “YourPlay” poster and the blue “Gamblers Help” poster evenly throughout the gaming area.
Electronic display
You can now display the new poster versions electronically. Display them in printed or electronic form, or a combination of both.
The digital poster on the electronic display must be:
- no smaller than A2 size (420 x 594mm)
- displayed so it's clearly visible
- displayed so it's not distorted, and
- displayed for a minimum of 60% share of the advertising. (E.g. in a one-minute display cycle, at least 36 seconds must be dedicated to the prescribed posters).
Display the components of a digital poster (such as logos and text) in different formats. But you must obtain prior written approval of the amended format from us and the Department of Justice and Community Safety.
If you intend to change a digital poster, please email and
Responsible gambling sign (printed or electronically displayed)
New versions must be displayed from 11 June 2024

Download a digital copy of the new sign below to display it electronically:
Location and quantity
Responsible gambling signs must be clearly visible to those entering the GMA.
At least one sign must be displayed outside each entrance to the GMA.
Electronic display
You can now display the new sign versions electronically. Display them in printed or electronic form, or a combination of both.
The digital sign on the electronic display must be:
- no smaller than A2 size (420 x 594mm),
- displayed so that it's clearly visible
- displayed so it's not distorted, and
- displayed for 100% share of the advertising.
Player information brochure (printed only)
New versions must be displayed from 11 June 2024

Location and quantity
Player information brochures must be available at each cashier area in your venue. The total number of available brochures must be equal to, or greater than, the number of poker machines.
Pre-commitment information brochures (printed only)

Location and quantity
Pre-commitment information brochures must be available in your venue at:
- each cashier
- each player service point
- any place with casual player cards for patrons, and
- any place with documents about loyalty schemes for patrons.
The total number of available pre-commitment info. brochures must be equal to, or greater than, the number of poker machines.
Other signage requirements
Casual player cards

Venues must have the required number of casual player cards (green brochure) available. The requirements are:
- the number of available casual player cards is equal to, or greater than, the number of poker machines
- at least 20 casual player cards are available at any player service point
- at least 20 casual player cards are available at any cashier area.
*Note: When someone requests a casual card, insert the encoded card in the (green brochure) front pocket before giving it to them.
Commission rules
Your venue must:
- have a set of Commission rules available for patrons to inspect
- display a sign that tells people where they can inspect it.
This sign must be at least A4 size and be clear and legible. Use:
- black text on a white background
- the largest font size possible to fill the page
- the same font size throughout the message.
Download a copy of the Commission Rules:
Download a sample of the required Commission Rules sign:
For more detail, see the relevant directions and guidelines:
Responsible gaming officer availability
You must have a notice displayed stating a Responsible Gaming Officer is available for assistance at all times.
Download a sample sign:
Venue licence
You must display a copy of the venue's current gambling licence (or notice of approved venue). It must be displayed at either:
- the entrance to the poker machine area, or
- opposite the cashier.
Read more in our Directions Under Section 3.5.27:
Underage patrons
Your venue must:
- display the underage patrons sign at each entrance, or on the boundary of the GMA
- make sure at least one notice is clearly visible at all times.
This sign must be at least A4 size and be clear and legible. Include:
- this exact text: ‘A person under the age of 18 years must not for any reason enter or remain in the gaming machine area’
- black text on a white background
- the largest font size possible to fill the page
- the same font size throughout the message.
Download a sample sign:
Read more in our Direction under section 10.7.9 of the Act: