Gambling data

There is a range of data available relating to gambling licenses and compliance in Victoria.

Gambling data and reports

Monthly LGA Expenditure Data

Monthly LGA Release (Current)
Excel 197.51 KB
(opens in a new window)
Monthly LGA Release (Historical)
Excel 143.54 KB
(opens in a new window)

Semi-Annual EGM Venue Level Expenditure Data

EGM Venue Level Expenditure (Current)
Excel 227.6 KB
(opens in a new window)
EGM Venue Level Expenditure (Historical)
Excel 656.49 KB
(opens in a new window)

Annual Demographic Data

Annual Density Update (Current)
Excel 171.66 KB
(opens in a new window)
Annual Density Update (Historical)
Excel 481 KB
(opens in a new window)

Victorian player loss and taxes paid by category

For the 2023-24 financial year, Victorian player loss in its various forms amounted to over $7.3 billion. Taxes and levies paid to the state of Victoria totalled over $2.3 billion.

SourceVictorian player loss ($million)Taxes and levies paid into the consolidated fund ($million) *
Gaming machines – hotels and clubs



Melbourne casino – gaming machines and table games



Lotteries (Victoria only)



Wagering – wagering and betting licensee Tabcorp#



Wagering – other entities##



Keno – keno Licensee TLC^



Keno – keno Licensee Lottoland^



Keno – other entities^^






* Gambling tax from wagering, keno and casino products are administrated and validated by State Revenue Office (SRO) from financial year 2022-23 onwards, since the introduction of Gambling Tax Act 2023.

# Player loss and tax relating to racing (totalisator), trackside and sports betting for wagering and betting licensee in Victoria

## Player loss and tax relating to racing (totalisator), trackside and sports betting for other entities offering wagering and betting to Victorians. Figure sourced from SRO

^ Player loss and tax relating to keno licensee in Victoria

^^ Player loss and tax relating to other entities offering keno to Victorians. Figure sourced from SRO

Other gambling data

We do not collect data relating to online gambling from entities not licensed in Victoria.

Every year the Queensland Government releases Australian Gambling Statistics, a comprehensive set of data on legal gambling products in Australia. It works with all state and territory governments to compile this information.

Released in December 2019, the latest set of statistics covers 2017–2018 and looks at products like pokies, casino games, race betting, sports betting and lotteries. Data includes total turnover, total losses, per adult turnover, per adult losses, percentage change in turnover and losses each year, market share of each gambling product and government revenue collected from gambling taxes. To review the latest set of statistics as well as previous years, see: Australian gambling statistics

Statistics for online betting can be found within individual wagering providers' annual reports. The Victorian wagering and betting licence is held by Tabcorp Wagering. View Tabcorp's annual reports.
