The Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC) is managed in a transparent, accountable and responsible way through effective corporate governance.
The below documents provide information about the VGCCC's governance, and the roles and responsibilities of the Commissioners, CEO and its staff.
The VGCCC Integrity Framework provides an integrated governance approach to protect VGCCC integrity and expose and prevent misconduct, corruption, fraud and theft by implementing best practice controls.
The Commission's values, membership, role and responsibilities are defined in the Commission (Board) Charter.
The VGCCC value's guide the organisation to achieve its vision and purpose. They underpin all our interactions internally and with stakeholders. The VGCCC's four values are:
All VGCCC staff are bound by the Victorian Public Sector Code of Conduct which describes the behaviours that exemplify the values contained in the Public Administration Act 2004 (the Act).
If you wish to disclose that the VGCCC (or its staff including Commissioners, employees and contractors) has engaged in corrupt conduct, please make the disclosure to the Independant Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) directly.
Further information on the process to report corruption is available on the Protected disclosures page.
The Commission operates at the highest levels of integrity and works to avoid actual, potential and perceived conflicts of interest.
Commissioners must take reasonable steps to restrict the extent to which a private interest could compromise, or be seen to compromise, their impartiality and abstain from involvement in official decisions that could reasonably be seen to be compromised by their private interests and affiliations.
Read more in the Disclosure of Interest Guidelines (Commissioners).
The VGCCC's Conflict of Interest Guidelines outlines the process for the declaration and management of actual and potential conflict of interest at the VGCCC.
The VGCCC has developed a Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy that sets out its approach on providing, accepting, approving, declaring and recording gifts, benefits and hospitality associated with VGCCC duties.
The Gifts and Hospitality Register's below contain details about gifts and hospitality and their treatment, i.e. whether they were kept, sold or disposed.